
Astro Gallus Astrological Services

Hello and welcome to my site. I hope you enjoy your time here. I am glad to be able to offer readings, and I hope to be doing a reading for you in the near future. Please look over my pages linked at the header of  the home  page and in the navigation bar to the left, or go to my blog  or my Substack to enjoy the many articles on astrology that I have posted there. Astro Gallus I received my certification as an astrologer through the Ivy-Goldstein Jacobson Astrological School in 1997, and have been doing chart readings since that time. Since then I have developed a methodology for reading the chart that I find especially effective. At this site you will find information on the readings I offer and the methodology I employ in readings. I use both  Tropical  and  True Constellation Sidereal  systems,  specializing in using both  for a deeper synthesis of the natal chart. For many years, friends have asked me to increase my exposure, and to offer my reading work to a wider audience. I fe