I want to offer a short description of how I approach the reading of a natal chart. For other reading styles, the basic techniques are the same, but I may only use one or two of the Zodiacal systems. 

The first thing I want to note is that when doing an initial natal chart reading, I prefer to use a synthesis of four different Zodiacal systems to look at different aspects of the life. Through that I am seeking the main focus of the birth configurations, as well as the major points of destiny. In so doing, I am looking for where the focus of the querent might be either in alignment or out of alignment with the markers of destiny. If the native is out of alignment with the markers of destiny, I try to find suggestions that the native is amenable to for aligning with the destiny markers, whatever that may be, so that the destiny might be more fully pursued and realized in life. 

The hope is that by aligning more fully with the dictates and suggestions of the querent's birth stars, that they may be able to lead a more fulfilling and successful life (whatever that might mean for the individual in question). For those already living fully aligned with their destiny, such a reading can give confirmation and possibly help refine their actions and pursuits. Where the querent is looking to make changes or understand themself more fully, perhaps seeking to understand what their path could be or what they might want to consider looking toward in life, these readings can be invaluable tools. The point of such a reading is to offer information for the querent to consider applying to their life in whatever capacity they feel is appropriate. Click on any of links below to go to the post at the Astro Gallus blog about those Zodiacal Systems or House Systems.

The four systems I use for the full natal analysis are:

Placidus - Western Tropical with Placidus houses (P).

Whole Sign Tropical - Western Tropical Hellenistic with Whole Sign houses (WST)

Whole Sign Sidereal - Sidereal Planetary placements in whole sign houses (This uses the Vedic planetary calculations, but is not Vedic astrology) (WSS)

True Constellational Sidereal (TCS) - the true sidereal placements of the planets around the ecliptic at the time the chart is cast for.

Short Description of how I use each system:

Placidus (P) is self-explanatory, and is the general astrology of the Western World and modern astrology. I feel this system is best for looking at the psychological makeup of the native and their standing within the modern, western world.

Whole Sign Tropical (WST) is Hellenistic or Traditional Western Astrology. I feel this method is best for looking at destiny in terms of the life within the cultural context.

Whole Sign Sidereal (WSS) is the Vedic sign degrees (difference from tropical = -30 degrees + 5 degrees - example 20 Aries = -30 (20 Pisces) +5 (25 Pisces). I find this useful for determining the outward spiritual approach or attraction (if any). This is in the sense of how drawn one is to taking up a spiritual path in a very visible way, almost (or actually ) as a “career” or life path, and how drawn one it to making a show of that devotion. Or conversely, just the opposite.

True Constellational Sidereal (TCS) is the actual constellations falling on the ecliptic in the heavens, where the planets and points actually were at birth on the ecliptic. This system uses the Placidus houses, but they are also placed into their proper constellational placements. This moves most of the planets backward by about 25-27 degrees. However, none of the real constellations are the same size and there is a thirteenth sign on the ecliptic (Ophiuchus), so in this system we often see more change to the chart than from any of the other systems. I use this system to look for the true personality and destiny. This is often manifest as a shadow in the life, as the world teaches us from birth to wear various masks, and feeds us a steady diet of expectations and judgements that may not coincide with the true personality or destiny.


The two major things I am looking for in the multi-system readings is which planets change signs between the Zodiacal systems, and which planets change houses through the different house systems. Another thing that I take note of is changes in house cusps. In some charts, some planets change signs or houses and some don’t. In some charts, houses change signs and some don’t. This is very relevant. The placements that don’t change sign and/or house at all, across all four systems, are a very pure expression of that sign and/or house. When a planet or placement only changes sign and/or house in one system but remains the same in the other three Zodiacal systems, there is a major focus on the sign and/or house, but it will also have some influence from the other sign/house. The points where changes occur can tell us which layer of being the variability occurs within most strongly. As one example, if the placement is the same in P, WST and TCS, but changes in WSS, then the spiritual influences of the placement will show variability to that placement in the rest of the zodiacal methods. 

When a given placement is split so that it is in the same sign and/or house in two systems, but in a different sign and/or house in the other two systems, then the placement will be more variable, accessing a broader range of behaviors, possibilities and energies. The particular systems in which the changes occur will determine the areas of life where the influences will be strongest. There are also instances where a placement or house cusp can occur in three different signs, though this is quite rare. When it happens, it seems to offer a diversity of abilities in relation to the point where this occurs, but can cause the native to be scattered in these areas, if there is a lack of focus or discipline indicated by the other placements of the chart.

The TCS is of particular interest to me, and it also offers the influences of the constellation Ophiuchus, which none of the others do (obviously). Not everyone will get a placement or house cusp that changes to Ophiuchus, but for those that do, this is a special point that allows a great deal of creativity, talent and luck, but also may bring struggle against seemingly-impossible odds, extreme power imbalances and awareness of hidden things and currents of energies that others may not perceive. Often, these natives are able to persist against seemingly-impossible odds and come out victorious. It carries the possibility of shamanic powers, underworld journeys, the ability to manifest new forms and methods, and is related to invention and creative acts that seem to move culture forward.

I use traditional planetary sign rulerships in all the systems, though if the querent requests, I will use modern rulerships for the Tropical Placidus chart. I don’t use Uranus, Neptune or Pluto as sign rulers, generally, though I do think that Uranus has some affinity with Aquarius (more here) and Neptune has some affinity with Pisces (more here). I do think that regardless of sign rulerships, they are important planetary placements within the chart, and I do use them in all astrological readings. For more on Outer Planets, click here

While I prefer to read, at least initially, using all four methods described above for a full synthesis of the natal chart, I can read in any one of the styles, if that is what the client prefers.

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